Our team of lawyers and paralegals have handled the claims of many widows whose spouses were tragically killed as the result of an accident while working overseas. We offer compassionate assistance during this incredibly difficult time. Our team will educate you on the Defense Base Act and the benefits to which you are entitled as the widow of an overseas worker. You are entitled to very valuable long term benefits under the Defense Base Act. Make sure you choose a lawyer that has many years of experience in this complicated and specialized area of the law. My partner and I have over 36 years of legal experience in this very specialized area of the law. Contact us now so that we can share our experience with you so that you can get the benefits you deserve. Call at 305 595 3350 or email us at mail@gmpcomplaw.com or liz@gmpcomplaw.com. No matter where you live, we can help you. We help DBA clients in any city in the United States, including, Miami, Florida, New York, New York, Detroit, Michigan, L.A., California, Fort Worth, Texas, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Dallas Texas, Fayettville, North Carolina, Macomb, Michigan, Riverside, California, Nashville, Tennessee, Austin, Texas, or any other city in the U.S. We also assist clients who reside in England, Australia, Costa Rica, Ireland and just about anywhere around the world. Let us put our experience to work for you. Contact us today.
Defense Base Act Lawyers Handle Cases For Widows Of Workers Tragically Killed While Working Overseas In Iraq And/Or Afghanistan
Tags: dba lawyers fighting for the rights of widows of overseas workers, Defense Base Act lawyers, defense base act lawyers assist widows of workers killed in Iraq or Afghanistan, Defense Base Act Lawyers helping widows of workers tragically killed in overseas accidents, spouses of contractors killed in iraq and afghanistan need dba lawyers to fight for their rights, tragic death in overseas accident, workers killed in iraq or afghanistan