I have recently read several comments to my blog from clients who are unhappy with their DBA lawyer. Did you know that if you are unhappy with the lawyer handling your Defense Base Act case, you have the absolute right to change lawyers at no additional cost to you? At the end of your case, either you or the insurance company may be responsible to resolve your prior attorney’s fees and costs. If you are unhappy with your DBA lawyer, you should strongly consider making a change. If you are unhappy with your DBA lawyer, there probably is a very good reason for the change. Perhaps your lawyer is too overwhelmed and cannot get back to you to resolve your questions and concerns or perhaps your lawyer is not an expert in this highly specialized field. If you are unhappy with your lawyer, I invite you to contact our law firm to see if the switch might be to your benefit. Go to our contact site and complete the form for a free consultation. We will provide you with our evaluation as to what has/has not been done to optimize your case and to make sure you are getting the benefits you deserve. Contact us today by filling out the form on line or by calling us at 305 595 3350 or email us at mail@gmpcomplaw.com or liz@gmpcomplaw.com. We look forward to helping you with your DBA case.