The Division of Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation (DLHWC) has 10 District Offices that cover the entire United States and Puerto Rico. Connecticut Longshoremen, Maine Longshoremen, Massachusetts Longshoremen, New Hampshire Longshoremen, Rhode Island Longshoremen and Vermont Longshoremen are covered by the North East Region Boston District Office in Boston, Massachusetts. New Jersey Longshoremen New York Longshoremen Puerto Rico Longshoremen Virgin Islands Longshoremen are covered by the North East Region New York District Office in New York City. Virginia Longshoremen, Delaware Longshoremen, District of Columbia Longshoremen, Maryland Longshoremen, Pennsylvania Longshoremen and West Virginia Longshoremen are covered by the Mid Atlantic Region Norfolk District Office in Norfolk, Virginia. Alabama Longshoremen, Florida Longshoremen, Georgia Longshoremen, Kentucky Longshoremen, North Carolina Longshoremen, South Carolina Longshoremen, Tennessee Longshoremen are covered by the South East Region Jacksonville District Office in Jacksonville, Florida. Texas Longshoremen, Oklahoma Longshoremen, New Mexico Longshoremen, Illinois Longshoremen, Indiana Longshoremen, Iowa Longshoremen, Michigan Longshoremen, Minnesota Longshoremen, Ohio Longshoremen, Wisconsin Longshoremen, Missouri Longshoremen, Nebraska Longshoremen, and Kansas Longshoremen are covered by the Houston Longshore District Office in Houston, Texas. Louisiana Longshoremen, Arkansas Longshroemen, Mississippi Longshoremen are covered by the Southwest Region New Orleans District Office in New Orleans, Louisiana. California Longshoremen, Arizona Longshoremen, Nevada Longshoremen, and Hawaii Longshoremen are covered by the Pacific Region San Francisco District Office in San Francisco, California. California Longshoremen South of San Luis Obispo are covered by the Pacific Region Long Beach District Office in Long Beach, California. Alaska Longshoremen, Oregon Longshoremen, Washington Longshoremen, Colorado Longshoremen, Idaho Longshoremen, Montana Longshoremen, North Dakota Longshoremen, South Dakota Longshoremen, Utah Longshoremen, and Wyoming Longshoremen are covered by the Pacific Region Seattle District Office in Seattle, Washington. Washington DC Longshoremen are covered by District 40 Washington DC District Office in Washington DC. If you have specific questions about where your case will be handled, contact our office for further information.