Florida Defense Base Act Lawyers
Contact Defense Base Act Attorneys
Contact Our Experienced DBA Lawyers
Residents of Florida injured in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Kuwait or on any military base across the world… Contact us today for a free initial interview to discuss the benefits you may receive under the Defense Base Act.
We have a tremendous amount of experience handling Defense Base Act cases for residents of Florida. We have the experience, the training, the expertise and the reputation to get the job done. We will make sure you receive the compensation and medical benefits you need, and we will work towards a lump sum settlement if you so desire.
You can count on the lawyers at Gillis, Mermell & Pacheco, P.A. to successfully handle your Defense Base Act case.
We Care About You and Your DBA Case
Three Simple Ways to Reach Us
- Call us now at 1-833-595-3350 or 305-595-3350; or
- Email us now at mail@gmpcomplaw.com; or
- Fill out this form. If you do not receive our reply within 24 hours, please contact us immediately by phone or email.
Our Address
11890 SW 8th Street
Suite 403
Miami, FL 33184
Schedule a Free Consultation

Contact Us Today
Your Injuries May Be Covered Under the Defense Base Act
Contractors working overseas often suffer serious injuries. The most common injuries, all of which we have successfully handled, include:
- Bomb blast injuries
- Back injuries
- Head injuries
- Neck injuries
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Shoulder Injuries
- Knee injuries
- Hand and foot Injuries
You need an experienced Defense Base Act lawyer. You need a qualified Defense Base Act lawyer. You need a compassionate Defense Base Act Lawyer. Read our testimonials and you will see what our clients are saying about their experience with our lawyers. Let the lawyers at Gillis, Mermell & Pacheco, P.A. put their years of training, expertise and experience to work for you today.
Contact Us Today!
Why Contact Us
Having an Experienced Team on Your Side
Our lawyers have a combination of more than 60 years of experience handling the claims of injured workers under the Defense Base Act law.
We have seen every kind of injury imaginable. We have seen every issue imaginable in a Defense Base Act case. We know exactly what to do to win your case. We will educate you and help you win your case.
We have handled more than 2,500 cases at all stages, from initial interviews to mediations, trials, and appeals. We have had tremendous success at each and every level of a Defense Base Act case.
You need experienced Defense Base Act lawyers who know all of the ins and outs of the Defense Base Act to win your case. We know all of the tricks played by Employers and Insurance Companies who are trying to deny your benefits. We can beat them at their own game.
We will do everything within our power to push your case to a successful conclusion!