Representing Injured Workers Worldwide Since 1994

DBA in Puerto Rico

DBA in Puerto Rico

Are you a contractor who was injured while working in Puerto Rico?

Are you a contractor who was injured while working in Puerto Rico?

Defense Base Act in Puerto Rico

DBA Is To Protect Workers Injured While Rebuilding Puerto Rico

Much of Puerto Rico was devastated by Hurricane Irma and Maria.

In response, the United States Government has awarded many contracts to private companies in order to provide humanitarian, infrastructure, and other assistance.

As part of this rebuilding, all government contractors working in Puerto Rico are required to provide insurance for their injured workers; this insurance is covered under the Defense Base Act.


Your Workers Compensation Insurance Is Required

The Defense Base Act requires all U.S. government contractors and subcontractors to secure workers’ compensation insurance for their employees working overseas.



Your Employer is Liable for Your Benefits

According to Industry Notice No. 169, “the Act requires every employer to be liable for, and to secure the payment of, disability, medical, and death benefits to its employees in the event of injury or death.

If a subcontractor fails to secure the payment of compensation, the employer will be liable for and be required to secure the payment of such benefits.”


Injured While Working for a Government Contractor?

If you are injured while working for a government contractor in Puerto Rico please contact us and let us help you secure your Defense Base Act benefits.

If you are injured while working in Puerto Rico under a contract with the United States, you are entitled to very valuable benefits under the Defense Base Act.


We Can Get Your Just Compensation

We can help you secure compensation paid at 2/3 of your salary rate, and we can help you secure proper medical care for your injuries.

We can also help you secure a favorable lump sum cash settlement.

Call us today 305-595-3350!


Our Law Firm at a Glance

The Law Offices of Gillis, Mermell & Pacheco, P.A., fighting for injured workers under since 1996


Over $150,000,000 obtained in benefits and/or settlements for our clients during the past 20 years

DBA mediations

Over 2,000 mediations on behalf of injured workers

3000 DBA claims

Over 3,000 claims of injured workers under the Defense Base Act and the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act

60+ years combined DBA law experience

Over 60 years of combined attorney experience in assisting injured workers

3000+ injured workers

Over 2,000 injured workers’ cases

6000+ claims

Over 6,000 claims filed on behalf of injured workers

200+ injured worker trials

Over 200 injured workers’ cases taken to trial

DBA law experience

You can rely upon our experience, knowledge, expertise and commitment to get the job done on your DBA case. We are ready to go to work for you today!

FREE DBA Case Consultation

You Deserve Exceptional Representation

Get a FREE Consultation

We are experienced attorneys with a proven track record of obtaining exceptional results for clients for over 22 years.

We devote ourselves to each client with energy and passion. Let us put our years of experience, training, education and knowledge to work for you today.


Call us now 305-595-3350!

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